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The Airway Revolution Foundation is a non profit organization that seeks to save millions  of lives by revolutionizing the current thinking, diagnosis, and treatment of airway related challenges.

Airway Revolution Videos

A key initiative of the Airway Revolution Foundation is to create media that changes the world one breath at a time. We've been filming for over four years to capture compelling material for our documentary, Airway: The Battle to Breathe.  Here, we provide clips from the Airway documentary and our other videos for you to discover and learn more about how the airway affects your life.

Airway Documentary

The story of the airway and Sydney's journey as she fights the battle to breathe.  Insidious and complex airway challenges are often misunderstood, misdiagnosed, and untreated.  Here are some clips from the documentary still in production.

Airway Seminar

The Airway Revolution Foundation presented an educational seminar for speech and occupational therapists in late 2021, sponsored by the Sensory Studio, called Critical Connections: a Multi Disciplinary Collaboration about Airway Disorders.  This seminar featured awesome airway disorder experts: Sydney Avis, Dr. Victor Avis, Lisa Paladino, NP., Dr. Steven Park, Dr. Amy Raccanello, and Dr. Scott Siegel. 
Notice: This is cutting edge material.  In these videos, you will be immersed in life-changing information and an approach to medicine that is still not taught in many dental/medical schools.  You may end up knowing more than your own professors, doctors, or dentists.

Dr. Victor Avis, DDS

Dr. Avis is the Chair of the Board of the Airway Revolution Foundation. He is a third-generation dentist who has brought leading edge thinking to his 100 year old practice. Based on a value for whole health and prevention, the Avis Alternative provides excellence in non-extraction, airway centered orthodontics, Orthotropics, and comprehensive prosthetic and implant dentistry.


Lisa Paladino, CNM, IBCLC

Lisa Paladino is an RN since 1987, a CNM since 2008, and an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant since 2011. She co-founded the Breastfeeding Initiative at Staten Island University Hospital and worked in collaboration with the NYC Department of Health for eight years on efforts toward achieving the “Baby Friendly” designation.  She is the author of, It Shouldn't Hurt to Nurse Your Baby.

Dr. Scott Siegel, MD, DDS, FACS, FICS, FAAP

Dr. Siegel is a pediatric OMF surgical specialist who is board certified in oral & maxillofacial surgery. His advanced surgical expertise have garnered him international distinction. He leads the Northeast Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Center For Tethered Oral Tissues (TOTS) and is the author of several papers and studies.

Sydney Avis

Sydney Avis suffered with airway disorders since she was a toddler. She was misdiagnosed and untreated for decades until she decided she wouldn't settle for an unfulfilled life and an early death.  Her journey toward a solution has been captured in the groundbreaking documentary, Airway: The Battle to Breathe.  She is currently the Executive Director of The Airway Revolution Foundation.  In this video she shares the emotional impact of her struggle.

Sydney Avis
Sydney Avis
Sydney opens the seminar by sharing from her experience and revealing how airway disorders impacted her life..
Dr. Victor Avis  | Part 1
Dr. Victor Avis | Part 1
Dr. Victor Avis | Part 2
Dr. Victor Avis | Part 2
Dr. Victor Avis | Part 3
Dr. Victor Avis | Part 3
Dr. Victor Avis | Part 4
Dr. Victor Avis | Part 4
Lisa Paladino, NP | Part 1
Lisa Paladino, NP | Part 1
Lisa introduces the topic, Breastfeeding: the profound correlation with infant health and cognitive development.
Lisa Paladino, NP | Part 2
Lisa Paladino, NP | Part 2
Lisa speaks about the barriers to breastfeeding.
Lisa Paladino, NP | Part 3
Lisa Paladino, NP | Part 3
Lisa concludes with the benefits of breastfeeding on oral-facial development.
Dr. Siegel - Part 1
Dr. Siegel - Part 1
Dr. Siegel - Part 2
Dr. Siegel - Part 2
Dr. Siegel - Part 3
Dr. Siegel - Part 3
Dr. Siegel - Part 4
Dr. Siegel - Part 4

Dr. Amy Racanello, MSEd, PhD

Amy Racanello, MSEd, PhD, is the founder and director of The Pearl learning Group and Senior Developmental Neuropsychologist at the Healthy Brain Network. Dr. Racanello is also a professor of neuropsychology in the School Psychologist Graduate Program at Brooklyn College, where she teaches the Neuropsychology of Learning course. Her publications focus on the relationship between chronic otitis media, language development, and academic performance.

Dr. Amy Racanello  |  Part 1
Dr. Amy Racanello | Part 1
Dr. Amy Racanello  | Part 2
Dr. Amy Racanello | Part 2
Dr Amy Racanello  Part  |  3
Dr Amy Racanello Part | 3
Dr Amy Racanello  Part  |  6
Dr Amy Racanello Part | 6

Dr. Steven Y. Park, MD

Dr. Steven Y. Park, MD, is an author, speaker, blogger and former surgeon with Health Wise Media LLC.   His presentation is entitled: Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome: Beyond Crooked Teeth.

Dr. Park |  Part 1
Dr. Park | Part 1
Dr. Park presents an evolutionary perspective for the modern human Airway.
Dr. Park | Part 2
Dr. Park | Part 2
Dr. Park discusses the causes of malocclusion and defines Hypopnea and Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome (UARS).
Dr. Park | Part 3
Dr. Park | Part 3
3. Dr. Park shares UARS signs and diagnosis, and nasal endoscopy
Dr. Park Part | 4
Dr. Park Part | 4
Dr. Park explains the mnemonics for better health: NOSTRILS & COMPASS.
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