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The Airway Revolution Foundation is a non profit organization that seeks to save millions  of lives by revolutionizing the current thinking, diagnosis, and treatment of airway related challenges.

Educate lay people about the signs,

symptoms, and treatment options related to breathing and sleep disorders so that these sufferers can better advocate for themselves.

The Airway Revolution Foundation is a 501.3c not for profit organization that strives to elevate the dental, medical and related healthcare fields (psychology,  physical therapy, myofunctional therapy, Naturopathic medicine, Ayurveda medicine, Chiropractic, nutrition, and health and wellness practitioners) to more collaborative and optimal treatment of patients who suffer with breathing and sleep disorders and their sequelae.

We also purpose to educate lay people about the signs, symptoms, and treatment options related to breathing and sleep disorders so that these sufferers can better advocate for themselves.

Our initial endeavor is to make a full-length documentary that tells the story of one patient’s journey from sufferer of restful and reparative sleep deprivation to diagnosis and treatment. Through sharing her story, we expect to make a difference for tens of thousands of people, young and old, who struggle to breathe, suffer the consequences, and until now may have been undiagnosed or misdiagnosed.

Airway Revolution also supports the work of other organizations dedicated to education, research, and treatment of Airway disorders.

Understanding that the need is great, The Airway Revolution Foundation supports Airway health in underserved populations both nationally and internationally.


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