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The Airway Revolution Foundation is a non profit organization that seeks to save millions  of lives by revolutionizing the current thinking, diagnosis, and treatment of airway related challenges.

The Airway Revolution Foundation has a bold and innovative vision for the future.  The organization is planning additional projects like the Airway documentary that create awareness and will educate the public and healthcare professionals.

The Airway Revolution will develop an endowment to help financially constrained persons with the cost of airway corrective procedures such as orthodontics, MMA surgery, ENT procedures, etc.

The Airway Revolution Foundation will reduce airway related disorders by supporting university based educational innovation to develop and train airway minded collaborative dentists and physicians. We will support and advance post- doctoral education centers and professional organizations involved with airway and sleep.

These goals will position The Airway Revolution to change the world one breath at a time.




Produce a documentary series for laypersons and health professionals. It will create awareness, inform and inspire dental and medical professionals to practice Airway minded care at a higher level.



Establish an endowment to support upper airway diagnosis and treatment for economically disadvantaged persons.



Support educational transformation at a major dental school. We will support and establish Airway health as a primary diagnostic criteria and consideration in dental treatment planning and care. A consideration that will impact general and specialty dentistry including pediatric dentistry, orthodontics, oral maxillofacial surgery, periodontics, implant dentistry and prosthodontics.

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